This file documents DCAT-AP based on DCAT-DAP.
IRI | |
Label | Catalogue |
Definition | A catalogue or repository that hosts the Datasets or Data Services being described. |
Profiles |
Catalog (
this profiles class Catalog (dcat:Catalog) |
Label from vocabulary | Catalog |
Definition from vocabulary | A curated collection of metadata about resources. |
Zpětné asociace
IRI | |
Label | applicable legislation |
Definition | The legislation that mandates the creation or management of the Catalogue. |
Domain | Catalogue |
Range | Legal Resource [0..*] |
Profiles | property applicable legislation ( |
Label from vocabulary | applicable legislation |
Definition from vocabulary | the legislation that is applicable to this resource. |
IRI | |
Label | catalogue |
Definition | A catalogue whose contents are of interest in the context of this catalogue. |
Domain | Catalogue |
Range | Catalogue [0..*] |
Profiles |
catalog (
property catalog (dcat:catalog) |
Label from vocabulary | catalog |
Definition from vocabulary | A catalog that is listed in the catalog. |
IRI | |
Label | creator |
Definition | An entity responsible for the creation of the catalogue. |
Domain | Catalogue |
Range | Agent [0..1] |
Profiles |
creator (
property Creator (dcterms:creator) |
Label from vocabulary | creator |
Definition from vocabulary | An entity responsible for making the resource. |
IRI | |
Label | dataset |
Definition | A Dataset that is part of the Catalogue. |
Domain | Catalogue |
Range | Dataset [0..*] |
Profiles |
dataset (
property dataset (dcat:dataset) |
Label from vocabulary | dataset |
Definition from vocabulary | A dataset that is listed in the catalog. |
IRI | |
Label | geographical coverage |
Definition | A geographical area covered by the Catalogue. |
Domain | Catalogue |
Range | Location [0..*] |
Profiles |
spatial/geographical coverage (
property Spatial Coverage (dcterms:spatial) |
Label from vocabulary | spatial/geographical coverage |
Definition from vocabulary | The geographical area covered by the dataset. |
IRI | |
Label | has part |
Definition | A related Catalogue that is part of the described Catalogue. |
Domain | Catalogue |
Range | Catalogue [0..*] |
Profiles |
has part (
property Has Part (dcterms:hasPart) |
Label from vocabulary | has part |
Definition from vocabulary | A related resource that is included either physically or logically in the described resource. |
IRI | |
Label | homepage |
Definition | A web page that acts as the main page for the Catalogue. |
Domain | Catalogue |
Range | Document [0..1] |
Profiles |
homepage (
property homepage (foaf:homepage) |
Label from vocabulary | homepage |
Definition from vocabulary | A homepage of the catalog (a public Web document usually available in HTML). |
IRI | |
Label | language |
Definition | A language used in the textual metadata describing titles, descriptions, etc. of the Datasets in the Catalogue. |
Domain | Catalogue |
Range | Linguistic System [0..*] |
Profiles |
language (
property Language (dcterms:language) |
Label from vocabulary | language |
Definition from vocabulary | A language of the resource. This refers to the natural language used for textual metadata (i.e., titles, descriptions, etc.) of a cataloged resource (i.e., dataset or service) or the textual values of a dataset distribution |
IRI | |
Label | licence |
Definition | A licence under which the Catalogue can be used or reused. |
Domain | Catalogue |
Range | Licence Document [0..1] |
Profiles |
license (
property License (dcterms:license) |
Label from vocabulary | license |
Definition from vocabulary | A legal document under which the resource is made available. |
IRI | |
Label | publisher |
Definition | An entity (organisation) responsible for making the Catalogue available. |
Domain | Catalogue |
Range | Agent [1..1] |
Profiles |
publisher (
property Publisher (dcterms:publisher) |
Label from vocabulary | publisher |
Definition from vocabulary | An entity responsible for making the resource available. |
IRI | |
Label | record |
Definition | A Catalogue Record that is part of the Catalogue. |
Domain | Catalogue |
Range | Catalogue Record [0..*] |
Profiles |
record (
property record (dcat:record) |
Label from vocabulary | record |
Definition from vocabulary | A record describing the registration of a single resource (e.g., a dataset, a data service) that is part of the catalog. |
IRI | |
Label | service |
Definition | A site or end-point (Data Service) that is listed in the Catalogue. |
Domain | Catalogue |
Range | Data service [0..*] |
Profiles |
service (
property service (dcat:service) |
Label from vocabulary | service |
Definition from vocabulary | A service that is listed in the catalog. |
IRI | |
Label | temporal coverage |
Definition | A temporal period that the Catalogue covers. |
Domain | Catalogue |
Range | Period of Time [0..*] |
Profiles |
temporal coverage (
property Temporal Coverage (dcterms:temporal) |
Label from vocabulary | temporal coverage |
Definition from vocabulary | The temporal period that the dataset covers. |
IRI | |
Label | themes |
Definition | A knowledge organization system used to classify the Resources that are in the Catalogue. |
Domain | Catalogue |
Range | Concept Scheme [0..*] |
Profiles |
theme taxonomy (
property theme taxonomy (dcat:themeTaxonomy) |
Label from vocabulary | theme taxonomy |
Definition from vocabulary | A knowledge organization system (KOS) used to classify the resources documented in the catalog (e.g., datasets and services). |
IRI | |
Label | modification date |
Definition | The most recent date on which the Catalogue was modified. |
Domain | Catalogue |
Range | xsd:date [0..1] |
Profiles |
update/modification date (
property Date Modified (dcterms:modified) |
Label from vocabulary | update/modification date |
Definition from vocabulary | Most recent date on which the resource was changed, updated or modified. |
IRI | |
Label | release date |
Definition | The date of formal issuance (e.g., publication) of the Catalogue. |
Domain | Catalogue |
Range | xsd:date [0..1] |
Profiles |
release date (
property Date Issued (dcterms:issued) |
Label from vocabulary | release date |
Definition from vocabulary | Date of formal issuance (e.g., publication) of the resource. |
IRI | |
Label | title |
Definition | A name given to the Catalogue. |
Domain | Catalogue |
Range | rdf:langString [1..*] |
Profiles |
title (
property Title (dcterms:title) |
Label from vocabulary | title |
Definition from vocabulary | A name given to the resource. |
IRI | |
Label | description |
Definition | A free-text account of the Catalogue. |
Domain | Catalogue |
Range | rdf:langString [1..*] |
Profiles |
description (
property Description (dcterms:description) |
Label from vocabulary | description |
Definition from vocabulary | A free-text account of the resource. |
IRI | |
Label | rights |
Definition | A statement that specifies rights associated with the Catalogue. |
Domain | Catalogue |
Range | Rights Statement [0..*] |
Profiles |
rights (
property Rights (dcterms:rights) |
Label from vocabulary | rights |
Definition from vocabulary | A statement that concerns all rights not addressed with dcterms:license or dcterms:accessRights, such as copyright statements. |
IRI | |
Label | Catalogue Record |
Definition | A record in a catalog, describing the registration of a single dcat:Resource. |
Profiles |
Catalog Record (
this profiles class Catalog Record (dcat:CatalogRecord) |
Label from vocabulary | Catalog Record |
Definition from vocabulary | A record in a catalog, describing the registration of a single dcat:Resource. |
Zpětné asociace
IRI | |
Label | application profile |
Definition | An Application Profile that the Catalogued Resource's metadata conforms to. |
Domain | Catalogue Record |
Range | Standard [0..*] |
Profiles |
conforms to (
property Conforms To (dcterms:conformsTo) |
Label from vocabulary | conforms to |
Definition from vocabulary | An established standard to which the described resource conforms. |
IRI | |
Label | change type |
Definition | The status of the catalogue record in the context of editorial flow of the dataset and data service descriptions. |
Domain | Catalogue Record |
Range | Concept [0..1] |
Profiles | property status (adms:status) |
Label from vocabulary | status |
Definition from vocabulary | Links to the status of the Asset or Asset Distribution in the context of a particular workflow process. Since Status is defined using a skos:Concept, that is the defined range for this property. |
IRI | |
Label | language |
Definition | A language used in the textual metadata describing titles, descriptions, etc. of the Catalogued Resource. |
Domain | Catalogue Record |
Range | Linguistic System [0..*] |
Profiles | property Language (dcterms:language) |
Label from vocabulary | Language |
Definition from vocabulary | A language of the resource. |
IRI | |
Label | primary topic |
Definition | A link to the Dataset, Data service or Catalog described in the record. |
Domain | Catalogue Record |
Range | Catalogued resource [1..1] |
Profiles |
primary topic (
property primary topic (foaf:primaryTopic) |
Label from vocabulary | primary topic |
Definition from vocabulary | The dcat:Resource (dataset or service) described in the record. |
IRI | |
Label | source |
Definition | A related resource from which the described resource is derived. |
Domain | Catalogue Record |
Range | Catalogue Record [0..1] |
Profiles | property Source (dcterms:source) |
Label from vocabulary | Source |
Definition from vocabulary | A related resource from which the described resource is derived. |
IRI | |
Label | listing date |
Definition | The date on which the description of the Resource was included in the Catalogue. |
Domain | Catalogue Record |
Range | xsd:date [0..1] |
Profiles |
listing date (
property Date Issued (dcterms:issued) |
Label from vocabulary | listing date |
Definition from vocabulary | The date of listing (i.e., formal recording) of the corresponding dataset or service in the catalog. |
IRI | |
Label | modification date |
Definition | The most recent date on which the Catalogue entry was changed or modified. |
Domain | Catalogue Record |
Range | xsd:date [1..1] |
Profiles |
update/modification date (
property Date Modified (dcterms:modified) |
Label from vocabulary | update/modification date |
Definition from vocabulary | Most recent date on which the catalog entry was changed, updated or modified. |
IRI | |
Label | title |
Definition | A name given to the Catalogue Record. |
Domain | Catalogue Record |
Range | rdf:langString [0..*] |
Profiles |
title (
property Title (dcterms:title) |
Label from vocabulary | title |
Definition from vocabulary | A name given to the record. |
IRI | |
Label | description |
Definition | A free-text account of the record. This property can be repeated for parallel language versions of the description. |
Domain | Catalogue Record |
Range | rdf:langString [0..*] |
Profiles |
description (
property Description (dcterms:description) |
Label from vocabulary | description |
Definition from vocabulary | A free-text account of the record. |
IRI | |
Label | Data service |
Definition | A collection of operations that provides access to one or more datasets or data processing functions. |
Profiles |
Data service (
this profiles class Data service (dcat:DataService) |
Label from vocabulary | Data service |
Definition from vocabulary | A collection of operations that provides access to one or more datasets or data processing functions. |
Zpětné asociace
IRI | |
Label | access rights |
Definition | Information regarding access or restrictions based on privacy, security, or other policies. |
Domain | Data service |
Range | Rights Statement [0..1] |
Profiles |
access rights (
property Access Rights (dcterms:accessRights) |
Label from vocabulary | access rights |
Definition from vocabulary | Information about who access the resource or an indication of its security status. |
IRI | |
Label | applicable legislation |
Definition | The legislation that mandates the creation or management of the Data Service. |
Domain | Data service |
Range | Legal Resource [0..*] |
Profiles | property applicable legislation ( |
Label from vocabulary | applicable legislation |
Definition from vocabulary | the legislation that is applicable to this resource. |
IRI | |
Label | conforms to |
Definition | An established (technical) standard to which the Data Service conforms. |
Domain | Data service |
Range | Standard [0..*] |
Profiles |
conforms to (
property Conforms To (dcterms:conformsTo) |
Label from vocabulary | conforms to |
Definition from vocabulary | An established standard to which the described resource conforms. |
IRI | |
Label | contact point |
Definition | Contact information that can be used for sending comments about the Data Service. |
Domain | Data service |
Range | Kind [0..*] |
Profiles |
contact point (
property contact point (dcat:contactPoint) |
Label from vocabulary | contact point |
Definition from vocabulary | Relevant contact information for the catalogued resource. Use of vCard is recommended. |
IRI | |
Label | documentation |
Definition | A page or document about this Data Service |
Domain | Data service |
Range | Document [0..*] |
Profiles | property page (foaf:page) |
Label from vocabulary | page |
Definition from vocabulary | A page or document about this thing. |
IRI | |
Label | endpoint description |
Definition | A description of the services available via the end-points, including their operations, parameters etc. |
Domain | Data service |
Range | Resource [0..*] |
Profiles |
endpoint description (
property description of service end-point (dcat:endpointDescription) |
Label from vocabulary | endpoint description |
Definition from vocabulary | A description of the service end-point, including its operations, parameters etc. |
IRI | |
Label | endpoint URL |
Definition | The root location or primary endpoint of the service (an IRI). |
Domain | Data service |
Range | Resource [1..*] |
Profiles |
endpoint URL (
property service end-point (dcat:endpointURL) |
Label from vocabulary | endpoint URL |
Definition from vocabulary | The root location or primary endpoint of the service (a web-resolvable IRI). |
IRI | |
Label | format |
Definition | The structure that can be returned by querying the endpointURL. |
Domain | Data service |
Range | Media Type or Extent [0..*] |
Profiles | property Format (dcterms:format) |
Label from vocabulary | Format |
Definition from vocabulary | The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource. |
IRI | |
Label | landing page |
Definition | A web page that provides access to the Data Service and/or additional information. |
Domain | Data service |
Range | Document [0..*] |
Profiles |
landing page (
property landing page (dcat:landingPage) |
Label from vocabulary | landing page |
Definition from vocabulary | A Web page that can be navigated to in a Web browser to gain access to the catalog, a dataset, its distributions and/or additional information. |
IRI | |
Label | licence |
Definition | A licence under which the Data service is made available. |
Domain | Data service |
Range | Licence Document [0..1] |
Profiles |
license (
property License (dcterms:license) |
Label from vocabulary | license |
Definition from vocabulary | A legal document under which the resource is made available. |
IRI | |
Label | publisher |
Definition | An entity (organisation) responsible for making the Data Service available. |
Domain | Data service |
Range | Agent [0..1] |
Profiles |
publisher (
property Publisher (dcterms:publisher) |
Label from vocabulary | publisher |
Definition from vocabulary | An entity responsible for making the resource available. |
IRI | |
Label | serves dataset |
Definition | This property refers to a collection of data that this data service can distribute. |
Domain | Data service |
Range | Dataset [0..*] |
Profiles |
serves dataset (
property serves dataset (dcat:servesDataset) |
Label from vocabulary | serves dataset |
Definition from vocabulary | A collection of data that this DataService can distribute. |
IRI | |
Label | theme |
Definition | A category of the Data Service. |
Domain | Data service |
Range | Concept [0..*] |
Profiles |
theme/category (
property theme (dcat:theme) |
Label from vocabulary | theme/category |
Definition from vocabulary | A main category of the resource. A resource can have multiple themes. |
IRI | |
Label | keyword |
Definition | A keyword or tag describing the Data Service. |
Domain | Data service |
Range | rdf:langString [0..*] |
Profiles |
keyword (
property keyword (dcat:keyword) |
Label from vocabulary | keyword |
Definition from vocabulary | A keyword or tag describing a resource. |
IRI | |
Label | title |
Definition | A name given to the Data Service. |
Domain | Data service |
Range | rdf:langString [1..*] |
Profiles |
title (
property Title (dcterms:title) |
Label from vocabulary | title |
Definition from vocabulary | A name given to the resource. |
IRI | |
Label | description |
Definition | A free-text account of the Data Service. |
Domain | Data service |
Range | rdf:langString [0..*] |
Profiles |
description (
property Description (dcterms:description) |
Label from vocabulary | description |
Definition from vocabulary | A free-text account of the resource. |
IRI | |
Label | Dataset |
Definition | A conceptual entity that represents the information published. |
Profiles |
Dataset (
this profiles class Dataset (dcat:Dataset) |
Label from vocabulary | Dataset |
Definition from vocabulary | A collection of data, published or curated by a single source, and available for access or download in one or more representations. |
Usage note | If a Dataset is used as part of a Dataset Series, the usage of the properties listed below must be coherent with the associated Dataset Series. For this usage, consult the guidelines in section 14. General usage guidelines. |
Zpětné asociace
IRI | |
Label | access rights |
Definition | Information that indicates whether the Dataset is publicly accessible, has access restrictions or is not public. |
Domain | Dataset |
Range | Rights Statement [0..1] |
Profiles |
access rights (
property Access Rights (dcterms:accessRights) |
Label from vocabulary | access rights |
Definition from vocabulary | Information about who access the resource or an indication of its security status. |
IRI | |
Label | applicable legislation |
Definition | The legislation that mandates the creation or management of the Dataset. |
Domain | Dataset |
Range | Legal Resource [0..*] |
Profiles | property applicable legislation ( |
Label from vocabulary | applicable legislation |
Definition from vocabulary | the legislation that is applicable to this resource. |
IRI | |
Label | conforms to |
Definition | An implementing rule or other specification. |
Domain | Dataset |
Range | Standard [0..*] |
Profiles |
conforms to (
property Conforms To (dcterms:conformsTo) |
Label from vocabulary | conforms to |
Definition from vocabulary | An established standard to which the described resource conforms. |
IRI | |
Label | contact point |
Definition | Contact information that can be used for sending comments about the Dataset. |
Domain | Dataset |
Range | Kind [0..*] |
Profiles |
contact point (
property contact point (dcat:contactPoint) |
Label from vocabulary | contact point |
Definition from vocabulary | Relevant contact information for the catalogued resource. Use of vCard is recommended. |
IRI | |
Label | creator |
Definition | An entity responsible for producing the dataset. |
Domain | Dataset |
Range | Agent [0..*] |
Profiles |
creator (
property Creator (dcterms:creator) |
Label from vocabulary | creator |
Definition from vocabulary | An entity responsible for making the resource. |
IRI | |
Label | dataset distribution |
Definition | An available Distribution for the Dataset. |
Domain | Dataset |
Range | Distribution [0..*] |
Profiles |
distribution (
property distribution (dcat:distribution) |
Label from vocabulary | distribution |
Definition from vocabulary | An available distribution of the dataset. |
IRI | |
Label | in series |
Definition | A dataset series of which the dataset is part. |
Domain | Dataset |
Range | Dataset series [0..*] |
Profiles |
in series (
property in series (dcat:inSeries) |
Label from vocabulary | in series |
Definition from vocabulary | A dataset series of which the dataset is part. |
IRI | |
Label | identifier |
Definition | The main identifier for the Dataset, e.g. the URI or other unique identifier in the context of the Catalogue. |
Domain | Dataset |
Range | Literal [0..*] |
Profiles |
identifier (
property Identifier (dcterms:identifier) |
Label from vocabulary | identifier |
Definition from vocabulary | A unique identifier of the resource being described or cataloged. |
IRI | |
Label | keyword |
Definition | A keyword or tag describing a resource. |
Domain | Dataset |
Range | rdf:langString [0..*] |
Profiles |
keyword (
property keyword (dcat:keyword) |
Label from vocabulary | keyword |
Definition from vocabulary | A keyword or tag describing a resource. |
IRI | |
Label | landing page |
Definition | A web page that provides access to the Dataset, its Distributions and/or additional information. |
Domain | Dataset |
Range | Document [0..*] |
Profiles |
landing page (
property landing page (dcat:landingPage) |
Label from vocabulary | landing page |
Definition from vocabulary | A Web page that can be navigated to in a Web browser to gain access to the catalog, a dataset, its distributions and/or additional information. |
IRI | |
Label | language |
Definition | A language of the Dataset. |
Domain | Dataset |
Range | Linguistic System [0..*] |
Profiles |
language (
property Language (dcterms:language) |
Label from vocabulary | language |
Definition from vocabulary | A language of the resource. This refers to the natural language used for textual metadata (i.e., titles, descriptions, etc.) of a cataloged resource (i.e., dataset or service) or the textual values of a dataset distribution |
IRI | |
Label | modification date |
Definition | The most recent date on which the Dataset was changed or modified. |
Domain | Dataset |
Range | xsd:date [0..1] |
Profiles |
update/modification date (
property Date Modified (dcterms:modified) |
Label from vocabulary | update/modification date |
Definition from vocabulary | Most recent date on which the resource was changed, updated or modified. |
IRI | |
Label | other identifier |
Definition | A secondary identifier of the Dataset |
Domain | Dataset |
Range | Identifier [0..*] |
Profiles | property identifier (adms:identifier) |
Label from vocabulary | identifier |
Definition from vocabulary | adms:identifier is used to link any resource to an instance of adms:Identifier which is its range. N.B. it is not appropriate to use dcterms:identifer to link to the Identifier class as its range is rdfs:Literal. ADMS uses this to provide any identifier for the Asset. |
IRI | |
Label | provenance |
Definition | A statement about the lineage of a Dataset. |
Domain | Dataset |
Range | Provenance Statement [0..*] |
Profiles | property Provenance (dcterms:provenance) |
Label from vocabulary | Provenance |
Definition from vocabulary | A statement of any changes in ownership and custody of the resource since its creation that are significant for its authenticity, integrity, and interpretation. |
IRI | |
Label | publisher |
Definition | An entity (organisation) responsible for making the Dataset available. |
Domain | Dataset |
Range | Agent [0..1] |
Profiles |
publisher (
property Publisher (dcterms:publisher) |
Label from vocabulary | publisher |
Definition from vocabulary | An entity responsible for making the resource available. |
IRI | |
Label | qualified attribution |
Definition | An Agent having some form of responsibility for the resource. |
Domain | Dataset |
Range | Attribution [0..*] |
Profiles |
qualified attribution (
property qualifiedAttribution (prov:qualifiedAttribution) |
Label from vocabulary | qualified attribution |
Definition from vocabulary | Link to an Agent having some form of responsibility for the resource |
IRI | |
Label | qualified relation |
Definition | A description of a relationship with another resource. |
Domain | Dataset |
Range | Relationship [0..*] |
Profiles |
qualified relation (
property qualified relation (dcat:qualifiedRelation) |
Label from vocabulary | qualified relation |
Definition from vocabulary | Link to a description of a relationship with another resource. |
IRI | |
Label | related resource |
Definition | A related resource. |
Domain | Dataset |
Range | Resource [0..*] |
Profiles |
relation (
property Relation (dcterms:relation) |
Label from vocabulary | relation |
Definition from vocabulary | A related resource. |
IRI | |
Label | release date |
Definition | The date of formal issuance (e.g., publication) of the Dataset. |
Domain | Dataset |
Range | xsd:date [0..1] |
Profiles |
release date (
property Date Issued (dcterms:issued) |
Label from vocabulary | release date |
Definition from vocabulary | Date of formal issuance (e.g., publication) of the resource. |
IRI | |
Label | sample |
Definition | A sample distribution of the dataset. |
Domain | Dataset |
Range | Distribution [0..*] |
Profiles | property sample (adms:sample) |
Label from vocabulary | sample |
Definition from vocabulary | Links to a sample of an Asset (which is itself an Asset). |
IRI | |
Label | source |
Definition | A related Dataset from which the described Dataset is derived. |
Domain | Dataset |
Range | Dataset [0..*] |
Profiles | property Source (dcterms:source) |
Label from vocabulary | Source |
Definition from vocabulary | A related resource from which the described resource is derived. |
IRI | |
Label | spatial resolution |
Definition | Minimum spatial separation resolvable in a dataset, measured in meters. |
Domain | Dataset |
Range | xsd:decimal [0..*] |
Profiles |
spatial resolution (
property prostorové rozlišení (metry) (@cs) (dcat:spatialResolutionInMeters) |
Label from vocabulary | spatial resolution |
Definition from vocabulary | Minimum spatial separation resolvable in a dataset, measured in meters. |
IRI | |
Label | temporal coverage |
Definition | The temporal period that the dataset covers. |
Domain | Dataset |
Range | Period of Time [0..*] |
Profiles |
temporal coverage (
property Temporal Coverage (dcterms:temporal) |
Label from vocabulary | temporal coverage |
Definition from vocabulary | The temporal period that the dataset covers. |
IRI | |
Label | temporal resolution |
Definition | Minimum time period resolvable in the dataset. |
Domain | Dataset |
Range | xsd:duration [0..1] |
Profiles |
temporal resolution (
property temporal resolution (dcat:temporalResolution) |
Label from vocabulary | temporal resolution |
Definition from vocabulary | Minimum time period resolvable in the dataset. |
IRI | |
Label | theme |
Definition | A category of the Dataset. |
Domain | Dataset |
Range | Concept [0..*] |
Profiles |
theme/category (
property theme (dcat:theme) |
Label from vocabulary | theme/category |
Definition from vocabulary | A main category of the resource. A resource can have multiple themes. |
IRI | |
Label | title |
Definition | A name given to the Dataset. |
Domain | Dataset |
Range | rdf:langString [1..*] |
Profiles |
title (
property Title (dcterms:title) |
Label from vocabulary | title |
Definition from vocabulary | A name given to the resource. |
IRI | |
Label | type |
Definition | A type of the Dataset. |
Domain | Dataset |
Range | Concept [0..*] |
Profiles |
type/genre (
property Type (dcterms:type) |
Label from vocabulary | type/genre |
Definition from vocabulary | The nature or genre of the resource. |
IRI | |
Label | version |
Definition | The version indicator (name or identifier) of a resource. |
Domain | Dataset |
Range | Literal [0..1] |
Profiles |
version (
property version (dcat:version) |
Label from vocabulary | version |
Definition from vocabulary | The version indicator (name or identifier) of a resource. |
IRI | |
Label | version notes |
Definition | A description of the differences between this version and a previous version of the Dataset. |
Domain | Dataset |
Range | rdf:langString [0..*] |
Profiles |
version notes (
property version info (adms:versionNotes) |
Label from vocabulary | version notes |
Definition from vocabulary | A description of changes between this version and the previous version of the resource [VOCAB-ADMS]. |
IRI | |
Label | frequency |
Definition | The frequency at which the Dataset is updated. |
Domain | Dataset |
Range | Frequency [0..1] |
Profiles |
frequency (
property Accrual Periodicity (dcterms:accrualPeriodicity) |
Label from vocabulary | frequency |
Definition from vocabulary | The frequency at which a dataset is published. |
IRI | |
Label | geographical coverage |
Definition | The geographical area covered by the dataset. |
Domain | Dataset |
Range | Location [0..*] |
Profiles |
spatial/geographical coverage (
property Spatial Coverage (dcterms:spatial) |
Label from vocabulary | spatial/geographical coverage |
Definition from vocabulary | The geographical area covered by the dataset. |
IRI | |
Label | description |
Definition | A free-text account of the Dataset. |
Domain | Dataset |
Range | rdf:langString [1..*] |
Profiles |
description (
property Description (dcterms:description) |
Label from vocabulary | description |
Definition from vocabulary | A free-text account of the resource. |
IRI | |
Label | was generated by |
Definition | An activity that generated, or provides the business context for, the creation of the dataset. |
Domain | Dataset |
Range | Activity [0..*] |
Profiles |
was generated by (
property wasGeneratedBy (prov:wasGeneratedBy) |
Label from vocabulary | was generated by |
Definition from vocabulary | An activity that generated, or provides the business context for, the creation of the dataset. |
IRI | |
Label | documentation |
Definition | A page or document about this Dataset. |
Domain | Dataset |
Range | Document [0..*] |
Profiles | property page (foaf:page) |
Label from vocabulary | page |
Definition from vocabulary | A page or document about this thing. |
IRI | |
Label | Dataset series |
Definition | A collection of datasets that are published separately, but share some characteristics that group them. |
Profiles |
Dataset series (
this profiles class Dataset series (dcat:DatasetSeries) |
Label from vocabulary | Dataset series |
Definition from vocabulary | A collection of datasets that are published separately, but share some characteristics that group them. |
Usage note | It is recommended to avoid Dataset Series without a dataset in the collection. Therefore at least one Dataset should refer to a Dataset Series using the property in series (dcat:inSeries). |
Zpětné asociace
IRI | |
Label | applicable legislation |
Definition | The legislation that mandates the creation or management of the Dataset Series. |
Domain | Dataset series |
Range | Legal Resource [0..*] |
Profiles | property applicable legislation ( |
Label from vocabulary | applicable legislation |
Definition from vocabulary | the legislation that is applicable to this resource. |
IRI | |
Label | contact point |
Definition | Contact information that can be used for sending comments about the Dataset Series. |
Domain | Dataset series |
Range | Kind [0..*] |
Profiles |
contact point (
property contact point (dcat:contactPoint) |
Label from vocabulary | contact point |
Definition from vocabulary | Relevant contact information for the catalogued resource. Use of vCard is recommended. |
IRI | |
Label | frequency |
Definition | The frequency at which the Dataset Series is updated. |
Domain | Dataset series |
Range | Frequency [0..1] |
Profiles |
frequency (
property Accrual Periodicity (dcterms:accrualPeriodicity) |
Label from vocabulary | frequency |
Definition from vocabulary | The frequency at which a dataset is published. |
IRI | |
Label | geographical coverage |
Definition | A geographic region that is covered by the Dataset Series. |
Domain | Dataset series |
Range | Location [0..*] |
Profiles |
spatial/geographical coverage (
property Spatial Coverage (dcterms:spatial) |
Label from vocabulary | spatial/geographical coverage |
Definition from vocabulary | The geographical area covered by the dataset. |
IRI | |
Label | description |
Definition | A free-text account of the Dataset Series. |
Domain | Dataset series |
Range | rdf:langString [0..*] |
Profiles |
description (
property Description (dcterms:description) |
Label from vocabulary | description |
Definition from vocabulary | A free-text account of the resource. |
IRI | |
Label | modification date |
Definition | The most recent date on which the Dataset Series was changed or modified. |
Domain | Dataset series |
Range | Literal [0..1] |
Profiles |
update/modification date (
property Date Modified (dcterms:modified) |
Label from vocabulary | update/modification date |
Definition from vocabulary | Most recent date on which the resource was changed, updated or modified. |
IRI | |
Label | publisher |
Definition | An entity (organisation) responsible for ensuring the coherency of the Dataset Series. |
Domain | Dataset series |
Range | Agent [0..1] |
Profiles |
publisher (
property Publisher (dcterms:publisher) |
Label from vocabulary | publisher |
Definition from vocabulary | An entity responsible for making the resource available. |
IRI | |
Label | release date |
Definition | The date of formal issuance (e.g., publication) of the Dataset Series. |
Domain | Dataset series |
Range | xsd:date [0..1] |
Profiles |
release date (
property Date Issued (dcterms:issued) |
Label from vocabulary | release date |
Definition from vocabulary | Date of formal issuance (e.g., publication) of the resource. |
IRI | |
Label | temporal coverage |
Definition | A temporal period that the Dataset Series covers. |
Domain | Dataset series |
Range | Period of Time [0..*] |
Profiles |
temporal coverage (
property Temporal Coverage (dcterms:temporal) |
Label from vocabulary | temporal coverage |
Definition from vocabulary | The temporal period that the dataset covers. |
IRI | |
Label | title |
Definition | A name given to the Dataset Series. |
Domain | Dataset series |
Range | rdf:langString [1..*] |
Profiles |
title (
property Title (dcterms:title) |
Label from vocabulary | title |
Definition from vocabulary | A name given to the resource. |
IRI | |
Label | Distribution |
Definition | A specific representation of a dataset. A dataset might be available in multiple serializations that may differ in various ways, including natural language, media-type or format, schematic organization, temporal and spatial resolution, level of detail or profiles (which might specify any or all of the above). |
Profiles |
Distribution (
this profiles class Distribution (dcat:Distribution) |
Label from vocabulary | Distribution |
Definition from vocabulary | A specific representation of a dataset. A dataset might be available in multiple serializations that may differ in various ways, including natural language, media-type or format, schematic organization, temporal and spatial resolution, level of detail or profiles (which might specify any or all of the above). |
Zpětné asociace
IRI | |
Label | access service |
Definition | A site or end-point that gives access to the distribution of the dataset. |
Domain | Distribution |
Range | Data service [0..*] |
Profiles |
access service (
property data access service (dcat:accessService) |
Label from vocabulary | access service |
Definition from vocabulary | A site or end-point that gives access to the distribution of the dataset. |
IRI | |
Label | access URL |
Definition | A URL that gives access to a Distribution of the Dataset. |
Domain | Distribution |
Range | Resource [1..*] |
Profiles |
access URL (
property access address (dcat:accessURL) |
Label from vocabulary | access URL |
Definition from vocabulary | A URL of the resource that gives access to a distribution of the dataset. E.g., landing page, feed, SPARQL endpoint. |
IRI | |
Label | applicable legislation |
Definition | The legislation that mandates the creation or management of the Distribution. |
Domain | Distribution |
Range | Legal Resource [0..*] |
Profiles | property applicable legislation ( |
Label from vocabulary | applicable legislation |
Definition from vocabulary | the legislation that is applicable to this resource. |
IRI | |
Label | availability |
Definition | An indication how long it is planned to keep the Distribution of the Dataset available. |
Domain | Distribution |
Range | Concept [0..1] |
Profiles | property availability ( |
Label from vocabulary | availability |
Definition from vocabulary | An indication how long it is planned to keep the Distribution of the Dataset available. |
IRI | |
Label | byte size |
Definition | The size of a distribution in bytes. |
Domain | Distribution |
Range | xsd:nonNegativeInteger [0..1] |
Profiles |
byte size (
property byte size (dcat:byteSize) |
Label from vocabulary | byte size |
Definition from vocabulary | The size of a distribution in bytes. |
IRI | |
Label | checksum |
Definition | A mechanism that can be used to verify that the contents of a distribution have not changed. |
Domain | Distribution |
Range | Checksum [0..1] |
Profiles |
checksum (
property without assigned name (spdx:checksum) |
Label from vocabulary | checksum |
Definition from vocabulary | The checksum property provides a mechanism that can be used to verify that the contents of a File or Package have not changed. |
IRI | |
Label | compression format |
Definition | The format of the file in which the data is contained in a compressed form, e.g. to reduce the size of the downloadable file. |
Domain | Distribution |
Range | Media Type [0..1] |
Profiles |
compression format (
property compression format (dcat:compressFormat) |
Label from vocabulary | compression format |
Definition from vocabulary | The compression format of the distribution in which the data is contained in a compressed form, e.g. to reduce the size of the downloadable file. |
IRI | |
Label | description |
Definition | A free-text account of the distribution. |
Domain | Distribution |
Range | rdf:langString [0..*] |
Profiles |
description (
property Description (dcterms:description) |
Label from vocabulary | description |
Definition from vocabulary | A free-text account of the distribution. |
IRI | |
Label | documentation |
Definition | A page or document about this Distribution. |
Domain | Distribution |
Range | Document [0..*] |
Profiles | property page (foaf:page) |
Label from vocabulary | page |
Definition from vocabulary | A page or document about this thing. |
IRI | |
Label | download URL |
Definition | A URL that is a direct link to a downloadable file in a given format. |
Domain | Distribution |
Range | Resource [0..*] |
Profiles |
download URL (
property download URL (dcat:downloadURL) |
Label from vocabulary | download URL |
Definition from vocabulary | The URL of the downloadable file in a given format. E.g. CSV file or RDF file. The format is indicated by the distribution's dcterms:format and/or dcat:mediaType. |
IRI | |
Label | format |
Definition | The file format of the distribution. |
Domain | Distribution |
Range | Media Type or Extent [0..1] |
Profiles |
format (
property Format (dcterms:format) |
Label from vocabulary | format |
Definition from vocabulary | The file format of the distribution. |
IRI | |
Label | has policy |
Definition | The policy expressing the rights associated with the distribution if using the [ODRL] vocabulary. |
Domain | Distribution |
Range | Policy [0..1] |
Profiles |
has policy (
property Target Policy (odrl:hasPolicy) |
Label from vocabulary | has policy |
Definition from vocabulary | An ODRL conformant policy expressing the rights associated with the distribution. |
IRI | |
Label | language |
Definition | A language used in the Distribution. |
Domain | Distribution |
Range | Linguistic System [0..*] |
Profiles | property Language (dcterms:language) |
Label from vocabulary | Language |
Definition from vocabulary | A language of the resource. |
IRI | |
Label | licence |
Definition | A licence under which the Distribution is made available. |
Domain | Distribution |
Range | Licence Document [0..1] |
Profiles |
license (
property License (dcterms:license) |
Label from vocabulary | license |
Definition from vocabulary | A legal document under which the distribution is made available. |
IRI | |
Label | linked schemas |
Definition | An established standard to which the distribution conforms. |
Domain | Distribution |
Range | Standard [0..*] |
Profiles |
conforms to (
property Conforms To (dcterms:conformsTo) |
Label from vocabulary | conforms to |
Definition from vocabulary | An established standard to which the distribution conforms. |
IRI | |
Label | media type |
Definition | The media type of the distribution as defined by IANA |
Domain | Distribution |
Range | Media Type [0..1] |
Profiles |
media type (
property media type (dcat:mediaType) |
Label from vocabulary | media type |
Definition from vocabulary | The media type of the distribution as defined by IANA |
IRI | |
Label | modification date |
Definition | The most recent date on which the Distribution was changed or modified. |
Domain | Distribution |
Range | xsd:date [0..1] |
Profiles |
update/modification date (
property Date Modified (dcterms:modified) |
Label from vocabulary | update/modification date |
Definition from vocabulary | Date on which the resource was changed. |
IRI | |
Label | release date |
Definition | The date of formal issuance (e.g., publication) of the Distribution. |
Domain | Distribution |
Range | xsd:date [0..1] |
Profiles |
release date (
property Date Issued (dcterms:issued) |
Label from vocabulary | release date |
Definition from vocabulary | Date of formal issuance of the resource. |
IRI | |
Label | spatial resolution |
Definition | The minimum spatial separation resolvable in a dataset distribution, measured in meters. (@en-us) |
Domain | Distribution |
Range | xsd:decimal [0..1] |
Profiles |
spatial resolution (
property prostorové rozlišení (metry) (@cs) (dcat:spatialResolutionInMeters) |
Label from vocabulary | spatial resolution |
Definition from vocabulary | The minimum spatial separation resolvable in a dataset distribution, measured in meters. (@en-us) |
IRI | |
Label | temporal resolution |
Definition | Minimum time period resolvable in the dataset distribution. |
Domain | Distribution |
Range | xsd:duration [0..1] |
Profiles |
temporal resolution (
property temporal resolution (dcat:temporalResolution) |
Label from vocabulary | temporal resolution |
Definition from vocabulary | Minimum time period resolvable in the dataset distribution. |
IRI | |
Label | title |
Definition | A name given to the distribution. |
Domain | Distribution |
Range | rdf:langString [0..*] |
Profiles |
title (
property Title (dcterms:title) |
Label from vocabulary | title |
Definition from vocabulary | A name given to the distribution. |
IRI | |
Label | packaging format |
Definition | The package format of the distribution in which one or more data files are grouped together, e.g. to enable a set of related files to be downloaded together. |
Domain | Distribution |
Range | Media Type [0..1] |
Profiles |
packaging format (
property packaging format (dcat:packageFormat) |
Label from vocabulary | packaging format |
Definition from vocabulary | The package format of the distribution in which one or more data files are grouped together, e.g. to enable a set of related files to be downloaded together. |
IRI | |
Label | rights |
Definition | A statement that specifies rights associated with the Distribution. |
Domain | Distribution |
Range | Rights Statement [0..1] |
Profiles |
rights (
property Rights (dcterms:rights) |
Label from vocabulary | rights |
Definition from vocabulary | Information about rights held in and over the distribution. |
IRI | |
Label | status |
Definition | The status of the distribution in the context of maturity lifecycle. |
Domain | Distribution |
Range | Concept [0..1] |
Profiles | property status (adms:status) |
Label from vocabulary | status |
Definition from vocabulary | Links to the status of the Asset or Asset Distribution in the context of a particular workflow process. Since Status is defined using a skos:Concept, that is the defined range for this property. |
IRI | |
Label | Relationship |
Definition | An association class for attaching additional information to a relationship between DCAT Resources. |
Profiles |
Relationship (
this profiles class Relationship (dcat:Relationship) |
Label from vocabulary | Relationship |
Definition from vocabulary | An association class for attaching additional information to a relationship between DCAT Resources. |
Zpětné asociace
IRI | |
Label | had role |
Definition | The function of an entity or agent with respect to another entity or resource. |
Domain | Relationship |
Range | Role [1..*] |
Profiles |
had role (
property hadRole (dcat:hadRole) |
Label from vocabulary | had role |
Definition from vocabulary | The function of an entity or agent with respect to another entity or resource. |
IRI | |
Label | relation |
Definition | The resource related to the source resource. |
Domain | Relationship |
Range | Resource [1..*] |
Profiles |
relation (
property Relation (dcterms:relation) |
Label from vocabulary | relation |
Definition from vocabulary | The resource related to the source resource. |
IRI | |
Label | Catalogued resource |
Definition | Resource published or curated by a single agent. |
Profiles |
Catalogued resource (
this profiles class Catalogued resource (dcat:Resource) |
Label from vocabulary | Catalogued resource |
Definition from vocabulary | Resource published or curated by a single agent. |
Zpětné asociace
IRI | |
Label | Role |
Definition | A role is the function of a resource or agent with respect to another resource, in the context of resource attribution or resource relationships. |
Profiles |
Role (
this profiles class Role (dcat:Role) |
Label from vocabulary | Role |
Definition from vocabulary | A role is the function of a resource or agent with respect to another resource, in the context of resource attribution or resource relationships. |
Zpětné asociace
IRI | |
Label | Agent |
Definition | Any entity carrying out actions with respect to the entities Catalogue and the Catalogued Resources. |
Profiles |
Agent (
this profiles class Agent (foaf:Agent) |
Label from vocabulary | Agent |
Definition from vocabulary | An agent (eg. person, group, software or physical artifact). |
Usage note | If the Agent is an organisation, the use of the Organization Ontology is recommended. |
Zpětné asociace
IRI | |
Label | name |
Definition | A name of the agent. |
Domain | Agent [0..*] |
Range | rdf:langString [1..*] |
Profiles | property name (foaf:name) |
Label from vocabulary | name |
Definition from vocabulary | A name for some thing. |
IRI | |
Label | type |
Definition | The nature of the agent. |
Domain | Agent |
Range | Concept [0..1] |
Profiles | property Type (dcterms:type) |
Label from vocabulary | Type |
Definition from vocabulary | The nature or genre of the resource. |
IRI | |
Label | Concept |
Definition | An idea or notion; a unit of thought. |
Profiles | class Concept (skos:Concept) |
Label from vocabulary | Concept |
Usage note | In DCAT-AP, a Concept is used to denote codes within a codelist. In section 10. Controlled Vocabularies the expectations are elaborated in more detail. |
Zpětné asociace
IRI | |
Label | preferred label |
Definition | A preferred label of the concept. |
Domain | Concept [0..*] |
Range | rdf:langString [1..*] |
Profiles | property preferred label (skos:prefLabel) |
Label from vocabulary | preferred label |
Definition from vocabulary | skos:prefLabel, skos:altLabel and skos:hiddenLabel are pairwise disjoint properties. |
IRI | |
Label | Legal Resource |
Definition | This class represents the legislation,policy or policies that lie behind the Rules that govern the service. |
Profiles | class Legal Resource ( |
Label from vocabulary | Legal Resource |
Definition from vocabulary | A work in a legislative corpus. This applies to acts that have been legally enacted (whether or not they are still in force). For example, the abstract concept of the legal resource; e.g. "act 3 of 2005" (adapted from Akoma Ntoso) A legal resource can represent a legal act or any component of a legal act, like an article. Legal resources can be linked together using properties defined in the model. Note that ELI ontology accommodates different point of view on what should be considered a new legal resource, or a new legal expression of the same resource. Typically, a consolidated version can be viewed, in the context of ELI, either as separate legal resource (linked to original version and previous consolidated version using corresponding ELI relations), or as a different legal expression of the same legal resource. |
Usage note | The definition and properties of the Legal Resource class are aligned with the ontology included in "Council conclusions inviting the introduction of the European Legislation Identifier (ELI)". For describing the attributes of a Legal Resource (labels, preferred labels, alternative labels, definition, etc.) we refer to the (ELI) ontology. In this data specification the use is restricted to instances of this class that follow the (ELI) URI guidelines. |
Zpětné asociace
IRI | |
Label | Location |
Definition | A spatial region or named place. |
Profiles |
Location (
this profiles class Location (dcterms:Location) |
Label from vocabulary | Location |
Definition from vocabulary | A spatial region or named place. |
Usage note | It can be represented using a controlled vocabulary or with geographic coordinates. In the latter case, the use of the Core Location Vocabulary is recommended, following the approach described in the GeoDCAT-AP specification. |
Zpětné asociace
IRI | |
Label | bbox |
Definition | The geographic bounding box of a resource. |
Domain | Location |
Range | Literal [0..1] |
Profiles |
bounding box (
property bounding box (dcat:bbox) |
Label from vocabulary | bounding box |
Definition from vocabulary | The geographic bounding box of a spatial thing [SDW-BP]. |
IRI | |
Label | centroid |
Definition | The geographic center (centroid) of a resource. |
Domain | Location |
Range | Literal [0..1] |
Profiles |
centroid (
property centroid (dcat:centroid) |
Label from vocabulary | centroid |
Definition from vocabulary | The geographic center (centroid) of a spatial thing [SDW-BP]. |
IRI | |
Label | geometry |
Definition | The corresponding geometry for a resource. |
Domain | Location |
Range | Geometry [0..1] |
Profiles |
geometry (
property geometry (locn:geometry) |
Label from vocabulary | geometry |
Definition from vocabulary | Associates a spatial thing [SDW-BP] with a corresponding geometry. |
IRI | |
Label | Document |
Definition | A textual resource intended for human consumption that contains information, e.g. a web page about a Dataset. |
Profiles | class Document (foaf:Document) |
Label from vocabulary | Document |
Definition from vocabulary | A document. |
Zpětné asociace
IRI | |
Label | Linguistic System |
Definition | A system of signs, symbols, sounds, gestures, or rules used in communication, e.g. a language. |
Profiles |
Linguistic System (
this profiles class Linguistic System (dcterms:LinguisticSystem) |
Label from vocabulary | Linguistic System |
Definition from vocabulary | A system of signs, symbols, sounds, gestures, or rules used in communication. |
Zpětné asociace
IRI | |
Label | Licence Document |
Definition | A legal document giving official permission to do something with a resource. |
Profiles |
License Document (
this profiles class License Document (dcterms:LicenseDocument) |
Label from vocabulary | License Document |
Definition from vocabulary | A legal document giving official permission to do something with a resource. |
Zpětné asociace
IRI | |
Label | type |
Definition | A type of licence, e.g. indicating 'public domain' or 'royalties required'. |
Domain | Licence Document |
Range | Concept [0..*] |
Profiles | property Type (dcterms:type) |
Label from vocabulary | Type |
Definition from vocabulary | The nature or genre of the resource. |
IRI | |
Label | Rights Statement |
Definition | A statement about the intellectual property rights (IPR) held in or over a resource, a legal document giving official permission to do something with a resource, or a statement about access rights. |
Profiles |
Rights Statement (
this profiles class Rights Statement (dcterms:RightsStatement) |
Label from vocabulary | Rights Statement |
Definition from vocabulary | A statement about the intellectual property rights (IPR) held in or over a resource, a legal document giving official permission to do something with a resource, or a statement about access rights. |
Zpětné asociace
IRI | |
Label | Standard |
Definition | A standard or other specification to which a resource conforms. |
Profiles |
Standard (
this profiles class Standard (dcterms:Standard) |
Label from vocabulary | Standard |
Definition from vocabulary | A reference point against which other things can be evaluated or compared. |
Zpětné asociace
IRI | |
Label | Resource |
Definition | Anything described by RDF. |
Profiles |
Resource (
this profiles class Resource (rdfs:Resource) |
Label from vocabulary | Resource |
Definition from vocabulary | The class resource, everything. |
Zpětné asociace
IRI | |
Label | Provenance Statement |
Definition | Any changes in ownership and custody of a resource since its creation that are significant for its authenticity, integrity, and interpretation. |
Profiles | class Provenance Statement (dcterms:ProvenanceStatement) |
Label from vocabulary | Provenance Statement |
Definition from vocabulary | Any changes in ownership and custody of a resource since its creation that are significant for its authenticity, integrity, and interpretation. |
Zpětné asociace
IRI | |
Label | Policy |
Definition | A non-empty group of Permissions and/or Prohibitions. |
Profiles |
Policy (
this profiles class Policy (odrl:Policy) |
Label from vocabulary | Policy |
Zpětné asociace
IRI | |
Label | Period of Time |
Definition | An interval of time that is named or defined by its start and end. |
Profiles |
Period of Time (
this profiles class Period of Time (dcterms:PeriodOfTime) |
Label from vocabulary | Period of Time |
Definition from vocabulary | An interval of time that is named or defined by its start and end. |
Zpětné asociace
IRI | |
Label | beginning |
Definition | Beginning of a period or interval. |
Domain | Period of Time |
Range | Time instant [0..1] |
Profiles |
beginning (
property has beginning (time:hasBeginning) |
Label from vocabulary | beginning |
Definition from vocabulary | Beginning of a period or interval. |
IRI | |
Label | end |
Definition | End of a period or interval. |
Domain | Period of Time |
Range | Time instant [0..1] |
Profiles |
end (
property has end (time:hasEnd) |
Label from vocabulary | end |
Definition from vocabulary | End of a period or interval. |
IRI | |
Label | end date |
Definition | The end of the period. |
Domain | Period of Time |
Range | xsd:date [0..1] |
Profiles |
end date (
property end date (dcat:endDate) |
Label from vocabulary | end date |
Definition from vocabulary | The end of the period. |
IRI | |
Label | start date |
Definition | The start of the period. |
Domain | Period of Time |
Range | xsd:date [0..1] |
Profiles |
start date (
property start date (dcat:startDate) |
Label from vocabulary | start date |
Definition from vocabulary | The start of the period. |
IRI | |
Label | Media Type or Extent |
Definition | A media type or extent. |
Profiles |
Media Type or Extent (
this profiles class Media Type or Extent (dcterms:MediaTypeOrExtent) |
Label from vocabulary | Media Type or Extent |
Definition from vocabulary | A media type or extent. |
Zpětné asociace
IRI | |
Label | Media Type |
Definition | A file format or physical medium. |
Profiles |
Media Type (
this profiles class Media Type (dcterms:MediaType) |
Label from vocabulary | Media Type |
Definition from vocabulary | A file format or physical medium. |
Zpětné asociace
IRI | |
Label | Identifier |
Definition | This is based on the UN/CEFACT Identifier class. |
Profiles | class Identifier (adms:Identifier) |
Label from vocabulary | Identifier |
Definition from vocabulary | This class is based on the UN/CEFACT Identifier complex type defined in See Section 5.8 of Core Components Data Type Catalogue Version 3.1 ( In RDF this is expressed using the following properties: - the content string should be provided using skos:notation, datatyped with the identifier scheme (inclduing the version number if appropriate); - use dcterms:creator to link to a class describing the agency that manages the identifier scheme or adms:schemaAgency to provide the name as a literal. Although not part of the ADMS conceptual model, it may be useful to provide further properties to the Identifier class such as dcterms:created to provide the date on which the identifier was issued. |
Usage note | An identifier in a particular context, consisting of the - content string that is the identifier; - an optional identifier for the identifier scheme; - an optional identifier for the version of the identifier scheme; - an optional identifier for the agency that manages the identifier scheme. |
Zpětné asociace
IRI | |
Label | notation |
Definition | A string that is an identifier in the context of the identifier scheme referenced by its datatype. |
Domain | Identifier [0..*] |
Range | Literal [1..1] |
Profiles | property notation (skos:notation) |
Label from vocabulary | notation |
IRI | |
Label | Geometry |
Definition | The locn:Geometry class provides the means to identify a location as a point, line, polygon, etc. expressed using coordinates in some coordinate reference system. |
Profiles |
Geometry (
this profiles class Geometry (locn:Geometry) |
Label from vocabulary | Geometry |
Definition from vocabulary | The locn:Geometry class provides the means to identify a location as a point, line, polygon, etc. expressed using coordinates in some coordinate reference system. |
Zpětné asociace
IRI | |
Label | Frequency |
Definition | A rate at which something recurs, e.g. the publication of a Dataset. |
Profiles |
Frequency (
this profiles class Frequency (dcterms:Frequency) |
Label from vocabulary | Frequency |
Definition from vocabulary | A rate at which something recurs. |
Zpětné asociace
IRI | |
Label | Concept Scheme |
Definition | An aggregation of one or more SKOS concepts. |
Profiles | class Concept Scheme (skos:ConceptScheme) |
Label from vocabulary | Concept Scheme |
Usage note | In DCAT-AP, a Concept Scheme is used to denote a codelist. In section 10. Controlled Vocabularies the expectations are elaborated in more detail. |
Zpětné asociace
IRI | |
Label | title |
Definition | A name of the concept scheme. |
Domain | Concept Scheme [0..*] |
Range | rdf:langString [1..*] |
Profiles | property Title (dcterms:title) |
Label from vocabulary | Title |
Definition from vocabulary | A name given to the resource. |
IRI | |
Label | Checksum Algorithm |
Definition | Algorighm for Checksums. |
Profiles |
Checksum Algorithm (
this profiles class without assigned name (spdx:ChecksumAlgorithm) |
Label from vocabulary | Checksum Algorithm |
Definition from vocabulary | Algorighm for Checksums. |
Zpětné asociace
IRI | |
Label | Attribution |
Definition | Attribution is the ascribing of an entity to an agent. |
Profiles |
Attribution (
this profiles class Attribution (prov:Attribution) |
Label from vocabulary | Attribution |
Definition from vocabulary | An instance of prov:Attribution provides additional descriptions about the binary prov:wasAttributedTo relation from an prov:Entity to some prov:Agent that had some responsible for it. For example, :cake prov:wasAttributedTo :baker; prov:qualifiedAttribution [ a prov:Attribution; prov:entity :baker; :foo :bar ]. |
Zpětné asociace
IRI | |
Label | Activity |
Definition | An activity is something that occurs over a period of time and acts upon or with entities; it may include consuming, processing, transforming, modifying, relocating, using, or generating entities. |
Profiles | class Activity (prov:Activity) |
Label from vocabulary | Activity |
Zpětné asociace
IRI | |
Label | Kind |
Definition | A description following the vCard specification, e.g. to provide telephone number and e-mail address for a contact point. |
Profiles |
Kind (
this profiles class Kind (vcard:Kind) |
Label from vocabulary | Kind |
Definition from vocabulary | The parent class for all objects |
Usage note | Note that the class Kind is the parent class for the four explicit types of vCard (Individual, Organization, Location, Group). |
Zpětné asociace
IRI | |
Label | Checksum |
Definition | A value that allows the contents of a file to be authenticated. |
Profiles |
Checksum (
this profiles class without assigned name (spdx:Checksum) |
Label from vocabulary | Checksum |
Definition from vocabulary | A Checksum is value that allows the contents of a file to be authenticated. Even small changes to the content of the file will change its checksum. This class allows the results of a variety of checksum and cryptographic message digest algorithms to be represented. |
Usage note | This class allows the results of a variety of checksum and cryptographic message digest algorithms to be represented. |
Zpětné asociace
IRI | |
Label | algorithm |
Definition | The algorithm used to produce the subject Checksum. |
Domain | Checksum |
Range | Checksum Algorithm [1..1] |
Profiles |
algorithm (
property without assigned name (spdx:algorithm) |
Label from vocabulary | algorithm |
Definition from vocabulary | Identifies the algorithm used to produce the subject Checksum [SPDX]. |
IRI | |
Label | checksum value |
Definition | A lower case hexadecimal encoded digest value produced using a specific algorithm. |
Domain | Checksum |
Range | xsd:hexBinary [1..1] |
Profiles |
checksum value (
property without assigned name (spdx:checksumValue) |
Label from vocabulary | checksum value |
Definition from vocabulary | The checksumValue property provides a lower case hexidecimal encoded digest value produced using a specific algorithm. |
IRI | |
Label | Time instant |
Definition | A temporal entity with zero extent or duration |
Profiles |
Time instant (
this profiles class Time instant (time:Instant) |
Label from vocabulary | Time instant |
Definition from vocabulary | A temporal entity with zero extent or duration |
Zpětné asociace
Vocabulary | ./model.owl.ttl |
Application profile | ./dsv.ttl |