Editing documentation

This documentation is generated using mkdocs from the Markdown files in the docs directory, and manually deployed to GitHub Pages with mkdocs gh-deploy. The URL for the deployed documentation is https://mff-uk.github.io/sparqless/.

If you want to modify the documentation, simply modify the Markdown source of whichever documentation you wish. If you create a new documentation page, you will need to add it to the nav in mkdocs.yml:

  - Home: 'index.md'
  - 'User Guide':
    - Usage: 'usage.md'
  - 'How it works':
    - Overview: 'overview.md'
    - Observation: 'observation.md'
    - Parsing: 'model_parsing.md'
    - Postprocessing: 'postprocessing.md'
    - 'Schema Creation': 'schema.md'
    - Querying: 'querying.md'
  - 'Developer Guide':
    - Development: 'development.md'

Installing requirements

In order to build, serve or deploy the documentation, you will need to have Python 3 installed, since it is required to run mkdocs.

To install mkdocs and other required plugins, run pip install -r requirements.txt.

Viewing documentation locally

Run mkdocs serve to build the documentation and serve it on localhost. In the terminal, you will see a link to open this documentation in your web browser.

Generating PDF documentation

If for any reason you want to have a PDF version of the documentation, run mkdocs build. This will generate a PDF containing the documentation in site/pdf/documentation.pdf.

Note that you may see an error about a missing theme during build - this is unavoidable when using the same mkdocs.yaml for both the website and the PDF documentation, and you may safely ignore this error.


Diagrams are generated with PlantUML, which is a tool for generating UML diagrams out of text descriptions.

The source files for all diagrams contained in this documentation are in the diagrams folder.

Deploying documentation

If you want to deploy the documentation to GitHub Pages, run mkdocs gh-deploy, and the updated documentation should be available at https://mff-uk.github.io/sparqless/ within a few minutes. Note that you may need to refresh the page without caching in order to see the changes (Ctrl + F5 or Shift + F5 in Google Chrome).