
The postprocessing phase occurs after the model (i.e. a set of descriptors) has been built based on observations of the SPARQL endpoint, but before the GraphQL schema is built.

It allows easy additions of various postprocessing activities on the model, like modifying entities in ways which are not connected to model parsing.

An example of this is naming - simplified names are used for all named entities to promote usability of the generated GraphQL endpoint. Since the names are calculated from IRIs, this logic is decoupled from parsing, and it can be easily modified or extended. You can even easily add your own implementation as a new postprocessing hook, and switch it with the default implementation as needed.


Postprocessing hooks are functions which are assignable to the PostprocessingHook type:

export type PostprocessingHook<TDescriptor extends EntityDescriptor> = (
    descriptors: TDescriptor[],
) => void;

In other words, it's a function which takes a single parameter - the descriptors of a particular type, and it returns nothing. For example, PostprocessingHook<ClassDescriptor> would be run with the list of all ClassDescriptors in the model. You can specify more generic hook constraints, for example using ResourceDescriptor would run your hook against all descriptors which have a display name property.

The contents of a hook will usually do one or more of the following things:

  • Modify the given descriptors in some way
  • Run some side effects which depend on the descriptor data
  • Log something about the descriptors

You can run your own hooks by adding them in the postprocessing field of the root configuration object. This field takes a PostprocessingConfig, and its hooks field contains a dictionary containing the registered hooks for each descriptor type. These hooks are then automatically executed as necessary.

NOTE: it is recommended to use DEFAULT_POSTPROCESSING_CONFIG as the basis for adding your new hooks, since it also contains a registered hook for generating GraphQL identifiers for classes and properties. Only create a whole new PostprocessingHookDict if you want to replace the functionality of the buildNamesFromIRIs postprocessing hook included in this library.